* Set of utils for working with collections in SFCC.
* @module collectionUtils
const iteratorUtils = require('*/scripts/iteratorUtils');
* Iterates over each item in the collection and calls the provided callback function.
* @param {dw.util.Collection} collection - The collection to iterate over.
* @param {function} callback - The callback function to be called for each item.
* Takes two arguments: the current item and its index.
* @returns {void}
function forEach(collection, callback) {
iteratorUtils.forEach(collection.iterator(), callback);
* Creates a new array by applying the provided callback function to each item in the collection.
* @param {dw.util.Collection} collection - The collection to map over.
* @param {function} callback - The callback function to be called for each item.
* Takes two arguments: the current item and its index. Returns the mapped value.
* @returns {array} A new array containing the mapped values.
function map(collection, callback) {
return iteratorUtils.map(collection.iterator(), callback);
* Creates a new array containing only items from the collection that pass the test implemented by the provided callback function.
* @param {dw.util.Collection} collection - The collection to filter.
* @param {function} callback - The callback function to be called for each item.
* Takes two arguments: the current item and its index.
* Returns true to keep the item, false to exclude it.
* @returns {array} A new array containing the filtered items.
function filter(collection, callback) {
return iteratorUtils.filter(collection.iterator(), callback);
* Applies an accumulator function against each item in the collection to reduce it to a single value.
* @param {dw.util.Collection} collection - The collection to reduce.
* @param {function} callback - The callback function to be called for each item.
* Takes three arguments: the accumulator, the current item, and its index.
* Returns the updated accumulator value.
* @param {*} initialValue - The initial value of the accumulator.
* @returns {*} The reduced value.
function reduce(collection, callback, initialValue) {
return iteratorUtils.reduce(collection.iterator(), callback, initialValue);
module.exports = {